Our team are at the heart of our business. We have invested in our team and trained them on our company culture, brand, policies and procedures. They will respond to your queries in a professional and knowledgeable way. They are an amazing team of people and have feelings just like you.

We know how frustrating it can be when you feel let down or that you’re not being listened to. We understand that this is sometimes the case for our customers, and we respect and support their need to express this. However, we ask that this is done in a polite and respectful manner.


This policy sets out what our company defines as abusive behaviour towards our team and how this will be dealt with in the event that any behaviour falls into these definitions.

  • Aggressive, abusive or bad language
  • Threatening behaviour
  • Assumptions about how we operate
  • Negative and abusive comments about our team

What you expect from our team:

  • Courtesy
  • Respect
  • Professional behaviour
  • Product knowledge
  • Concise and direct resolutions and replies to your questions

In response, we expect our customers to behave with the same level of courtesy and respect.

What we expect from our customers:

  • Respect our replies (The team will be responding to your questions by following the company policies and procedures. These have been put in place by the CEO and the senior management team)
  • Abusive, aggressive language or bullying will not be tolerated
  • We understand that sometimes you may be going through a difficult time, but please do not use this as leverage to gain something outside of our policies and processes. This leaves the team in a very difficult situation as the decision is not theirs to make.
  • We kindly ask that you do not threaten the team with negative social media comments. We are a small business and this type of behaviour can be extremely damaging to our business and our team
  • We ask that you contact the team directly. The team will always endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible
  • Asking for your query to be escalated to a member of the senior management team or the owner of the business will not change the answer. Our customer service agents are trained in line with the company policies


If you believe a member of our team has not met the expectations set out in this policy or has not followed the company policies and processes, then you may wish to make a complaint. We ask that you do this politely and provide details of your complaint and how the agent has not met expectations.

Your complaint will then be investigated by a member of the senior management team and they will write to you with their conclusions.

How we respond if a customer is abusive:

Our team will politely and respectfully ask customers to stop using abusive language or behaving in an inappropriate way, in line with this Respect our Agents Policy.

If the behaviour then continues, our team can stop the correspondence and future emails / messages may be blocked. We may also refer specific cases or repeat offenders to the authorities, if appropriate.


Customers are responsible for treating our staff with respect and courtesy

Employees will always act with professionalism and courtesy. They are responsible for reporting unacceptable customer behaviour in line with this policy

Management is responsible for making sure this policy is applied fairly & consistently. Management will also provide support to the team if they experience abusive behaviour